A comedy draw…

We’re all down with charity, right? Giving over our money. And if not cash, then our time to help people less fortunate than ourselves? Comedians are in high demand by charities to perform at fundraising events. Some offer to pay for said services but most do not and I usually base my decision on my availability and the worthiness of the cause.

Never enjoy other people’s failings…

There is much talk at present lamenting the standard of the British sit-com. I haven’t seen Ben Elton’s new effort – The Wright Way – but knowing Ben’s work and having read his books, I suspect it is better than the detractors are saying – who incidentally all seem far too celebratory and gleeful to…

The story so far…

(welcome to any readers from mumsnet – I hope you enjoy this post and feel inclined to delve in to this extraordinary true story of parenthood…)  If I had more time and was more technically skilled, this would be an easy take to write – collating all the VT footage and press cuttings from the last month or so, to put things…