Tom who?

Like in all things human, there is a hierarchy within comedy. Comedians understand this and we accept it. Not all comedians are the same. Some comedians are funnier than others and the funniest comedians tend to be the most famous although not always. It is often said that well-known comedians can work less hard (get…

That Christmas feeling…

The last blog of an eventful and somewhat blighted year which began with a lockdown and ends with a quasi-one in the UK with people duly terrified by messages from our leaders imploring us to be very afraid. But Christmas arrived anyway and remains most people’s favourite time of the year. A time for family…

The truth, the whole truth…

In stand-up comedy, ripping off another comedian’s act is an enormous faux pas. It does go on but it usually signifies the death knell of the thief’s career but not in every case. A few comedians have alerted me to a very celebrated North American comedian and whether or not he has listened (and plundered)…

winners and losers…

A week of landmarks and sporting incidents colliding to reveal and expose human traits and quirks which I imagine (or hope) we are all subject to. Patrick’s 17th birthday was additionally exciting this year because all his big brothers were in London and free to celebrate. Tom was ensconced in a palatial London hotel for…

A short but important blog post…

Whether we like it or not, we all have an ego. With ego comes pride and pride is something to be we mindful of. It is a deadly sin, after all. I am regularly asked about pride. “You must be soooo proud of your son” …and usually most in reference to one son in particular….