Last night, my twins were in the their house play at school. A competition amongst six houses – each team doing a section from a famous play. I arrived as a bad dad. For some reason, I thought my boys were doing an exert from Sherlock Holmes. Wrong. Chatting with a dad in the interval, it emerged that my boys were actually in Peter Pan – which I should have known already because one of my boys was playing Peter!
Anyway ‘Pan’ was voted the best play. My boys had won and they were both elated. Their dissapointment that their big brother, Tom couldn’t make it to see them was forgotten. Well done to their magnificent teacher, Mr McCreedy (apologies if I have his name wrong) – a shining example of a teacher and a school punching well above its weight.
Another show biz triumph then for the Holland boys. My other twin was playing a lost boy – and if things continue with my family life – ‘lost dad’ seems more appropriate – and hence this very short post because I really must get on with projects of my own. Stuff to write and tonight I need to be funny on stage (for money, not just applause like my twins!)