The dishonesty of self-help

My English is fluent and practically perfect. My written English is less good but it still serves me well.   My English proficiency is a highly prized skill because the English language makes a decent claim to be the earth’s primary language. If Aliens ever do arrive, the attempted introductions are most likely to be…

An Impromptu Blog …

As I write, an eventful week in Dubai comes to a close with one final gig this evening. I say eventful but for all the wrong reasons.
Uneventful might be a better description given that our events in Abu Dhabi were cancelled as the world goes in to Corona shut down and an odd atmosphere descends on us all. As though we are all protagonists in an Armageddon movie with countries closed, flights suspended and normality suspended. So we hunker down, hope and keep an eye on what

Me getting all Gandolf on you…

Amidst the Corona hysteria gripping the world, it seems that hunkering down and staying away from crowds is the way to survive. Or at least this is how it is being reported; along with avoid travelling and in planes in particular with the close proximity and recycled air. A problem for me then, given that I write this post in Dubai – on my third day of a 10 day tour. I could have cancelled the gigs of course but for the fact that I would forego my fee. My career choice being the original zero hours contract. No sick pay. No contracts. No laughs, no gigs and no money!