

Dom's weekly blog is now available on his Patreon page.

Not only does he post his blog but you will also have access to other content in the form of videos, writing, and audio. He would love you to come and join him.

Happy Easter

The internet and mobile devices have created complete global interconnectedness and social media has made all our voices equally loud and valid. That this is a great step forward is open to debate but certainly it is a perfect field for division as exemplified by a single word almost no one had heard of only…

A beautiful comeuppance…

Heading to the Cancer Research charity shop with my black bags, I have mixed emotions because any feelings of altruism I might have are overshadowed by the thrill of decluttering our home. Outside McDonalds are tens and tens of scooters all parked up. Leathered riders, in-between jobs are smoking and jabbering to one another in…

Smile for the camera…

This is a brave edition of this long running blog. Foolhardy even but needs must. I have set a high bar for this weekly epistle. My readers expect many things including candour. They demand quality, some pathos, wisdom but above all else, they want to smile and occasionally laugh. And to create this alchemy, if…

Not hitting the streets…

As part of his A level art, Paddy has chosen photography – a smart move given his mum’s profession and her proclivity for helping others and especially her young. Like most students and probably almost all boys, Paddy likes to leave things to the very last second to complete and submit any tasks required of…

Lost in space…

The word to use might be blithe or glib. Or more likely, foolhardy given that so few of us know anything about what we are agreeing to when we accept cookies. It is drummed into us as kids never to accept sweets (candy) from strangers and yet we happily accept cookies offered to us by…

Which book? Choose carefully…

To Crete with some friends recently and in an airport book shop – I am feeling stressed, hopeful and a little overwhelmed… keen to make a good choice. Authors I’ve heard of – reassuring because I’ve heard of them, right? Against newbies who are likely to be winners because debut books habe their heart and…